Whole Vermont Icelandic Lamb

Pastured, Grass Fed and Finished

Buying a whole lamb now means that you’ll be able to enjoy the convenience of a variety of grass-fed Vermont Icelandic lamb cuts straight from your freezer. No more struggling to find good meat at the store. No more stressing about missing your grocery shopping day. You’ll have a great supply of the highest quality meat right there at your fingertips.

Need more information before you buy? Contact Cynthia at cynthia@greenheartfarm.com

  • When you reserve a whole lamb, you’ll end up with about 18–24 lbs of meat. This is the perfect size to fit in a medium to large household refrigerator freezer with enough room for other essentials (ie, your ice maker! 😉 ) or it will fit nicely in a larger freezer with other cuts of meat for the year.

    Cuts will be individually wrapped and ready for your freezer.

  • Our 100% grass-fed lamb comes from our animals born and raised here on our Vermont farm. They stay on pasture with their mothers throughout the summer and fall without forced weaning and graze on completely chemical free pastures.

    Vermont Icelandic Lamb meat is lean, mild in flavor and has a deliciously fine texture.

    Although our farm is not certified organic, we are committed to a holistic approach to raising our animals humanely with deep respect and care, without chemical inputs (no routine antibiotics or anthelmintics), while supplementing only with organic herbs, minerals, kelp, and salt.

    Our Vermont Icelandic Sheep are a medium sized breed and because we choose not to supplement with grain or prophylactically treat with routine anthelmintics (dewormers), our lambs grow a little slower than perhaps a more conventional approach.

    Although we won’t have the same yield, we believe that grass-fed and chemical free Icelandic lamb offers higher quality nutrition and flavor over quantity.

  • 1) Buy a lamb through our online store.

    2) We "put your name" on one of our lambs being raised and pastured for meat and lovingly raise it until harvest time, hire an itinerant butcher on your behalf and they humanely dispatch and prepare the carcass for butcher which then is taken to a local USDA inspected butcher facility for cutting, wrapping, and freezing.

    3) In the fall, we will contact you with the date the butcher will have your lamb ready.

    Please note: we are unable to store your lamb so you will need to pick up the day it is ready from the butcher.

    4) Go home happy, knowing you’ll have a freezer full of the best food for your family

Rack of lamb with rosemary garnish on a white plate